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Got wiser? There is so much more…

75 percent of dentistry is over treatment and that is not just my opinion. it is worth to learn the insights of what is the basics. Not to go too often, but to also DO go when something is clearly signalling (like cold sensitivity or chipping or gum bleeding). More detail on how to self diagnose and make decisions in the book and the other courses or workshops.

Then there is this issue: can we trust the safety of dental numbing jabs? At this moment not really. But did you know that with natural dentistry in most cases you do not need a jab at all? So start claiming that you have become wiser and instruct your dentist to do some due diligence. Lend him/her your book and ask to read it before you talk about what you want.

Be the change we want to see in this world!

 Thank you for helping me to do this!


 ps, if you have an urgent problem: please don’t panic and go to this webpage:

In the next courses and workshops:
    • How often to visit a dentist or hygienist? (far less then you think)
    • How to be discerning and steer clear of bad dentisty
    • What treatments should you steer clear of and always avoid
    • Dental implants are sometimes a good option but sometimes they are not – when is this ?
    • How to prevent tooth wear without a mouth guard
    • What is good and what is bad cosmetic dentistry?
    • How to pay for your dental treatment with a sensible dental plan which requires minimal effort