COURSE 2 module safe dental filling replacement

  • Why is mercury bad for you?
  • What is toxic load?
  • How to replace mercury fillings in a safe way
  • What are the best white filling materials
    Please check it out in the course video below:
  • Ideally remove only 2-3 amalgam fillings per session
  • Ask your dentist to remove the most damaged and aged amalgams first 
  • Ask for double suction around tooth and cotton roll mercury scavengers in cheek and ample ventilation in the room
  • Ask to rinse 10 seconds with big suction, water and air mix spray before you swallow
  • Ormocer composite filling from Voco seems the least cytotoxic material
  • It’s better to replace amalgams slowly – giving yourself a month between extractions so as not to overload your body at one time 
  • Support your body’s detox of mercury after each extraction. Some people do this with chelation. I advocate a more natural approach of using chlorella . Start the chlorella treatment 3 days prior to extraction with 5 chlorella tablets with your main meals and then 15 minutes prior to extraction take five chlorella tablets at one time. 
  • Post extraction continue your detox for at least a further three days. Eat lots of fruit and green veggies , chlorella as before 1g oral vit C three times a day. Have adequate rest and safe daily sun exposure. 
  • It is important for your own health and the health of your staff to minimise levels of mercury in your dental surgery. This can be achieved by not recirculating air as in the norm with most air conditioning systems. Instead have an air vent at floor level that actively forces air outside the building. 
  • Since secondary caries plays a dominant role in restoration survival of composite restorations, operator procedural proficiency is essential. So too is preventative diet instructions and prevention of bruxism (click here for link to one of the best composite studies that indicates these conclusions)