donation – gift – koha

Your support is crucial in helping us continue our mission. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps us to provide valuable resources and education to our community.
Donations and koha are the lifeblood of our freedom community. is supporting a strong movement towards self sustainability and independence from a failing medical / dental system.
The maintenance of this website, the cost of hosting the site and the many software applications we need to create the content are costing us several thousands dollars per year.
Our only income is the sale of books and merchandise and the gifts from supporters.
If you feel our information is of great value (just calculate what one single dental visit you might not need to have would have saved you), please give us a donation or koha. Below are the options we offer:


We receive cash gifts in our post box. Send us a seperate message by contactform or a note in the envelope when your gift is for a special purpose.

This is the address:


Asklepion Academy

PO Box 574

7250 Picton

New Zealand


Our bank is the cooperative bank in Blenheim NZ

Send us a seperate message by contactform when your gift is for a special purpose


Timmermans Fre



Credit card donations run via Stripe

Send us a seperate message by contactform when your gift is for a special purpose

Click this box and you will go to stripe


Crypto gifts can be in Bitcoin, ETH and cardano

Send us a seperate message by contactform when your gift is for a special purpose

Click this box to donate crypto